
Beacon Invited to Speak at U.S. EPA National Training Program

Harry O’Neill will provide a technical presentation at the EPA NARPM Technical Training Program on Nov. 30, 2012, sharing case studies that demonstrate the benefits of collecting high-resolution data sets for site characterization, as well as innovative and cost-effective techniques for sampling soil gas, indoor air, and ambient air.  Examples will focus on work completed at federal facilities.

The EPA National Association of Remedial Project Managers (NARPM) Annual Training Program is by invitation only to EPA staff as well as to other Federal agencies, tribal, state, and local government representatives with an agency mission to clean up hazardous waste sites. While this training program is not open to the private sector to participate, experts in the field are invited to present innovative technologies and processes.  Presentation materials will be posted to the NARPM website following the event. 


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