
The Best Methods for the Best Results

BeSure Passive Soil-Gas Technology™

Beacon  Environmental is a DoD ELAP, NELAP, and ISO 17025 accredited laboratory and provides the highest level of accuracy and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures for the analysis of soil-gas samples in the industry. In addition, the design of the Beacon Passive Soil Gas Sampler™ and BeSure Sample Collection Kit™ enable the rapid and efficient collection of field samples.

The table below provides a comparison of the BeSure Passive Soil Gas Technology™ from Beacon to the PSG technology of other companies.

The Best Methods for the Best Results
How Beacon Environmental compares to other PSG companies

Beacon provides analysis of passive soil gas samples following U.S. EPA Method TO-17 or 8260D, with results based on an initial multi-point calibration and internal standards and surrogates included with each analysis. The reporting limit (RL) is at or above the low point of the initial calibration, ensuring defensible data.

Other passive soil gas methods are known to base their results on an external calibration method and calibrate at quantities that are greater than an order of magnitude above their reporting limits, but refer to the method as being Method 8260 (i.e., claim a reporting limit of 25 ng but have 250 ng or higher as the low point of the calibration). These deficiencies are not in agreement with EPA Method 8260 nor are they acceptable for soil or groundwater analysis and should not be accepted as valid for passive soil gas analyses.

In addition, other passive soil gas technologies that use a membrane, which may act as a competing adsorbent, claim that concentration data can be reported; however, these technologies have not determined the uptake rates for the range of compounds being targeted, which suggests the data are less defensible.

“I have used other technologies (i.e., ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity) at the site and nothing has provided better results or directed us more efficiently than soil vapor sampling.”

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