Case Studies
Case Studies
Using Passive Soil-Gas Sampling Results as a Line of Evidence at a Superfund Site
Previous state investigations identified the presence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) at concentrations above the EPA MCLs in private wells.
Using Passive Soil Gas Technique to Effectively Map PCE Plume
Pare recently completed a passive soil gas study (PSG) at an active automotive garage facility to identify the source and limits of an undocumented tetrachloroethylene (PCE) release on a client’s property.
Non-Intrusive Site Investigation (UXO, CWM Concerns)
From the late 1930s through the 1950s, sealed-glass vials containing mustard gas and other chemical warfare agents (CWAs) were buried in trenches at designated military installations
Source Area Identification
A Beacon Environmental Passive Soil-Gas (PSG) Survey was performed on a former landfill at a western United States military base to identify source areas of Trichloroethene (TCE)
New Elementary School Construction On Redeveloped Brownfields Site
This site was a former dry cleaner from the 1930s to the 1970s. By the early 1990s, all dry cleaning operations had been removed.
Manufactured Gas Plant Investigation
Monitoring wells showed that petroleum-related contamination was present on site. A passive soil gas (PSG) survey was performed to identify the source areas of known contamination at the Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP).
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